About Us

Racing makes happy

Car racing has fascinated people since the first race between Paris and Rouen in 1894. We, the founders of Polar Racing, have succumbed to this fascination since our youth, and as racing enthusiasts, we have been thinking about how we can make the true fascination of car racing accessible to others.

We finally found the solution in the Finnish JOKKIS series, which offers two exciting and unusual racing formats with rallycross and ice racing. And JOKKIS is driven in Finland, which according to the 2020 Sustainable Development Solutions Network’s happiness report is the happiest country on earth.

So we have defined a simple goal for Polar Racing: To combine the most beautiful and exciting sides of Finland into a very special experience for our customers – fascinating racing and a unique attitude towards life.

And make people happy!


We work with the media in many areas. Whether you want to shoot an exciting report about our activities or a season of reality TV, are looking for a unique location or an expert on Finnish motorsport – get in touch with us – we will be happy to make you an offer.

Events & Location

Our events and location are perfect for many types of media work. The Belgian television VRT and Youtuber have already filmed exciting reports at our events. And our location has also been used for filming feature films.

Motorsport experts

For our clients, we always have our finger on the pulse of what is exciting or interesting in motorsport in Finland. If you also want to use our events or our location for media productions or are looking for experts in Finnish motorsport, you have come to the right place.

Media enquiries to

Management Team

Marc Riebel

Ralf Teuber

Simo Uotila

Marc Riebel
Marc Riebel | Board member

As a racing driver with experience on the Nordschleife, among others, ice racing fascinates me anew every time.

At Polar Racing I am responsible for the finances and coach at our events.

Ralf Teuber
Ralf Teuber | Founder

As a project manager, I have extensive know-how in relation to start-ups and company formations.

In addition, I have many years of experience in sales and marketing in various functions.

I manage the project “Polar Racing” and take care of customers and partners.

Simo Uotila
Simo Uotila | Chef-Mechanic

I have been running a car repair shop in Kittilä for years and at Polar Racing I am responsible for the technology of the cars before and during our events.

Growing up in a racer family, I gained my first experiences with race cars of the Finnish Everyman series “JOKKIS” in early childhood.

When I’m not dealing with the technology of the vehicles, I pass on my racing experience to our customers as an instructor.


Our Support Team

Henri Kanerva
JOKKIS Consultant
Andreas Roth
Visualisation & Post Production
Marko Vasara
Photography & Video Artist

Our Partners

Kolarin Moottorikerho
Track Partner
Hylsy Productions Ay
Media Production Partner
Autokorjaamo Uotila
Technic Partner
LOMA Reiseagentur
Travel Partner
GotlandRing AB
Track & Marketing Partner

Frequently Asked Questions

General questions

Minimum age

The minimum age for drivers is 16. Young drivers under the age of 18 have to be accompanied by a parent or guardian.


The requirement for participation is that you are able to drive a car. If you have no experience of driving a manual gearbox, make a note of this during the booking process.

At the track

Alcohol & drugs

Participation at the event under the influence of alcohol or any kind drugs is prohibited. Polar Racing has the right to carry out checks before and during the event and to exclude participants who are under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

Drivers equipment

You do not need not need to bring any equipment.


We only use professional instructors with appropriate qualifications. For organisational reasons, however, we can only guarantee with the “Select Your Coach” add-on specific persons..

Spectators & Escorts

For safety reasons no visitors are allowed at our events.

If you wish, we could organize a visit for your companions at the track. So your companions can see you in action. Please contact our hotline!

Race Rules

Basis of the rules

We apply the regulations of the Finnish Automobile Sports Association AKK for the JOKKIS Everyman’s Race Series. You can download these at https://www.autourheilu.fi/saantokirja/ under the term Jokamiehenluokka. (Finnish language). If you have any questions about the AKK rule book, please feel free to contact us.

Below we have summarized the most important Polar Racing racing rules. These may vary in parts from the AKK rules.


We do not host official racing events – our guests compete for the Polar Racing Championship. Time measurement does not take place.

The starting field
  • A maximum of six vehicles may participate in a championship.
  • Otherwise, groups of six participants will be formed, each driving a separate championship.
  • The groups are determined by our trainers according to the knowledge of the individual participants.
The starting grid
  • The starting grid for the first race is drawn by lot. There will be no qualifying.
  • The starting grid for the subsequent championship races will be determined in reverse grid mode. The starting grid for the next race is determined by the reverse finish of the last race.
  • The starting grid for final races is determined by the championship classification.
Orientation lap and start
  • The vehicles are set up in the staging area and go through an introductory round. Afterwards, the race will be released by means of flags.
  • If the race is not released, another lap will be driven.
  • The car on pole position determines the speed in the formation lap. Overtaking is prohibited during this time.
  • The start will be a flying Indianapolis start.
Behaviour on the track
  • Leave room – It is forbidden to deliberately push other drivers off the track or endanger them.
  • Do not push or jostle – It is forbidden to intentionally ram or turn over other participants.
  • Leaving the track – The track may only be left at the pit entrance.
  • When the track is blocked – Stop the vehicle immediately and watch for flag signals and announcements.
  • After the finish line – Finish the lap slowly and leave the track at the pit entrance.
  • In case of accidents or damage – Remain seated in the vehicle and wait for the instructions of the marshals.
  • In case of fire – leave the vehicle as quickly as possible and leave the track immediately at the nearest trackside.
Race control as the highest authority

The participant recognizes the race management provided by the organizer as the highest authority for compliance with these rules, whose decisions and instructions must be followed without fail.


In the event of a breach of these regulations, the participant may be excluded in whole or in part from further participation in the event.

Travel & Accommodation


Travel to the training location is at your own expense and risk. Our concierge service is happy to help you with your travel planing. Learn more...


If not explicitly mentioned otherway, accommodation is not included in our events. Our concierge service can help you to find a suitable accommodation. Learn more...

Terms & Conditions

The following conditions apply to the participation at any Event provided by Polar Racing Event Oy.

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